The ten great Masters of India whom we shall highlight here had certainly the Fire of Spirituality common in all of them. But in addition to their commonality of being towering giants of spirituality, what is especially important for the understanding of the Indian psyche is the following fact:
All these masters were renouncers and ascetics.
But successive generations of householder populations of India would listen to and follow these renouncers and ascetics, almost to the letter,
not only in matters of the Spirit but even in secular matters
and personal problems connected with the duties of a householder.
We shall first pay our prostrations to them all at one place
by listing their names below:
1. Adi Sankaracharya, to be referred to also as Sankara (788 - 820 A.D. date controversial)
2. Sri Ramanujacharya, to be referred to also as Ramanuja (1017 - 1137)
3. Sri Vedanta Desika, who may be referred to as Desika, (1269 - 1370)
4. Madhvacharya, also referred to as Madhva (1238 - 1317)
5. Sri Raghavendra (1595 - 1671)
6. Sai Baba (of Shirdi) ( ? - 1917)
7. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa , to be referred to as Ramakrishna (1836 - 1886)
8. Aurobindo (1872 - 1950)
9. Ramana Maharishi, to be referred to also as Ramana (1879 - 1950)
10. Kanchi Mahaswamigal, also called the Paramacharya (1894 - 1994)
We shall have separate sections for each one of the above ten.
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