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This Benediction in Sanskrit is a  sequence of 10 prayers formally seconded in chorus by the audience assembled at the wedding ceremony.  It is an adapted version of a traditional procedure carried out at the end of Indian Hindu weddings.

(The first time it was so done was on June 29, 2002

at the wedding of ProfVK’s grandson

at The Swedenborgian Faith Church of the New Jerusalem,

Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.)


From the Dais (FD):  svasti mantrArthAs-satyAs-saha-phalAs-santviti bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

(May there be peace and the noble persons present here so bless that the meaning of the mantras and rituals be true and fruitful)

All:    SO BE IT.   (The original Sanskrit for this is: “tathaastu”).


FD : anayor-dampatyoH vedoktam dIrgham Ayushyam bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May this couple have the long life mentioned in the scriptures and the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


 FD: ayam muhUrtas-sumuhUrto bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May this moment of wedlock be auspicious to its fullest and the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


FD: anayor dampatyoH sakala-devatAnAm atyantam  AnukUlyam bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May the Divine Power pour forth their richest blessings on this couple and the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


FD: anayor dampatyoH Subetara-phala-pradAtRNAm devatAnAm Sakter-nirasanaM bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May the Divine Power overcome any forces that may affect the well-being of this couple and the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


FD : anayor dampatyoH Subha-phala-pradAtRNAm SaktiH atyanta atiSayena phaladA bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May the  well-wishing Powers that be abundantly shower their best on this couple  and may the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


 FD : anayor dampatyoH Ayur-balam yaSo varcaH paSavas-sthairyam siddhir-lakshmIH kshamA kAntis-sadguNA AnandaH ityeteshAm sadA abhivRddhir-bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May this couple continuously grow in health, good reputation, beauty, prosperity, integrity, forbearance, friendship, love and contentment and may the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


 FD : anayor dampatyoH  nityotsavo nityaSrIH nityamangalam bhUyAditi bhavanto mahAntonugRNantu

          (May this couple be blessed with abundant joy, constant prosperity and continuing good fortune and may the noble persons present here so bless)

All:    SO BE IT


 FD: deSesmin sAntirastu;  sarve janAssukhino bhavantu

          (May this nation enjoy peace; May all people be blessed with happiness)

All:    SO BE IT


 FD: samasta-sanmangaLAni santu; uttarottarAbhivRddhir-astu

(Let there be all-round good fortune; and may we all continue always to strive towards the Highest Good)

All:    SO BE IT

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